Sunday, December 9, 2012

Test Ride on the new GSA

So as we all know I have sold my old 2006 BMW R1200 GS. I have purchased a new ride which I now currently have a 2008 BMW R1200 GS Adventure. I took this trip as a test trip and to see how the bike does and handles compared to my old GS. With a trip of 500 miles I figured that would be a good day ride. 

I didn't really have a exact plan on where I was going or what I planned on doing. So I loaded the bike and hit the road. Heading west toward Boone I took HWY 421 from home. Around lunch I saw a few Wine Vineyards so a quick google search I found one serving food called Raffaldini Wine Vineyard. 

Visiting Raffaldini Vineyards the food was nothing special just wrapped pre-made subs but the Wine was very good. and for a $5 wine tasting who couldn't resist. After a stop bite to eat and enjoying the landscape I was back on the road.

Just outside of Boone NC. I jumped onto the Blue Ridge Parkway headed South toward Asheville NC. Now for a 600lb bike it handled the curves very well and I didn't really notice the weight that much. 

As I got closer to Mount Mitchell State park it got interested. From the Park entrance going south the Parkway was closed for whatever reason. Sadly turning around I went back about 1/2 mile where I noticed a gravel dirt road that lead to who knows where. So I took it. Now I get to test out how this big beast is off-road. Putting the bike in off-road mode I'm set to ride. As I decent down the mountain I the ground was extremely loose and I started to slide around sharp turns and deep descents. Almost laying the bike down and going off the mountain side I saved myself and got back to riding. I've ridden on gravel before but with the soft ground and loose rocks everything your tires try to grab just slide out of the way and grip nothing. 

About an hour later I still have no idea where I am. I continue to ride on and I start coming up on some homes. And then out of no where I finally hit a small road that leads me back to Interstate 40. 
All in one piece I jump on 40 and decide to head home. For most of us who know 40. It's pretty boring so I'll leave at that. 

Raffaldini Wine Vineyard

The crazy guy

Price Lake NC

Twin Tunnels

Mount Mitchell  State Park 

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